
November 2023

President's Pen, Dr. Barton Priebe

It was one of those cultural experiences I will never forget. I was in Seoul, Korea in early October meeting with partners and potential students for Northwest's Korean Language Programs. It was a Sunday, and I was following the lead pastor into the worship service that had already begun...

2023 CBTE & Korean Language Programs Grads!

On October 14, 2023 we gathered to confer degrees on the 2023 graduates of Northwest Seminary and College. This was a great time of celebration!

We graduated 32 individuals in six different programs from seven different partner organizations. Here they are...

Alumni News

Greetings Alumni,

The transition from summer to fall brings with it the start of the new academic year. A highlight of the fall semester was the Northwest graduation ceremony, held on October 14, to recognize and honour the 2023 graduates. There were 32 graduates, who are now part of the Northwest Alumni Association. Continue reading

Alumna Interview with Karen Naylor

Mark and Karen Naylor
...We lived in Pakistan from 1985 through 1999, where we raised our three children and learned (the hard way) about the grace of God, the needs of the Muslim world, the limitations of our efforts, the centrality of prayer...

Alumni Connect - Mark Naylor

In the early 1980’s Karen and I explored the possibility of becoming missionaries with the director of Fellowship International, Paul Kerr. He advised me to get an M.Div. through Northwest before submitting our application. This was sound advice, but today mission agencies are no longer depending on the seminary. Instead, they are providing their own “in house” training for intercultural ministry....Do we have to choose between the practical training of the agencies and academic grounding? What if the better way is to recognize that a true partnership between agency and academy is not only necessary, but feasible?

Recently released!

Congratulations to Dr. Joel Korytko on the recent release of his new book, Death of the Covenant Code: Capital Punishment in Old Greek Exodus in Light of Greco-Egyptian Law.

Many laws in the Old Greek translation of the Covenant Code do not say the same thing as the Hebrew text. In the past, various idiosyncrasies in the Greek translation of laws that involve the death penalty had been glossed over and considered stylistic variations or grammatical outliers. However, when the text-linguistic features of the Greek translation are compared to contemporary literary, documentary, and legal Greek sources, new readings emerge... publication

Pictures from our 2023 Cornerstone Retreat

Each fall Fellowship Pacific students enrolled in our CBTE (competency-based theological education) programs gather at Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre for the Cornerstone Retreat. First and second year MABL students participated in the Leadership Seminar, third and fourth year MDiv students participated in coaching and discussions, and GAP Year students participated in orientation and activities. Thank you to Krista Penner, Ana Reyes, and Kajle Radbourne for their work in organizing this fantastic retreat.
GAP Year students, along with Northwest staff and faculty, after a successful exit from an Exit Escape room.
Northwest staff and faculty, Fellowship Pacific Staff, and MDiv, MABL, and GAP Year students gathered for an evening of discussion and worship.

New Fall 2023 Articles on NIMER: Northwest Institute for Ministry Education Research

  • Article: Is the Gospel (Really) for Everyone? Toward a More Inclusive Body, by K. Dubbeldam and K.A. Pudlas
  • Article: Practical Issues in Research, by Elsie Froment
  • Guest Blog: The Challenge of “Unexplained” Prayers, by Bill Badke
  • Review: Reading the Bible Around the World: A Student’s Guide to Global Hermeneutics, 2022, reviewed by Mark Naylor
  • Review: Weltanschauung and Apologia: A Study in C.S. Lewis, 2022, reviewed by Howard Andersen
  • Review: Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches, 2021, reviewed by Bernard Mukwavi
  • Review: The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services. 2nd edition, 2021, reviewed by Jay Dyrland
We are thankful for the generosity of our donors and friends who support Northwest's ministry of leadership training.