Larry Perkins, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies
Emeritus President
Larry's great loves in life include teaching biblical exegesis, particularly with reference to the Greek Old and New Testaments, spending time with his family, and tending to his amazing garden. Larry is highly esteemed for his incredible gift of knowledge – a quality that younger faculty are keen to emulate. He has the astounding ability to keep every meeting on topic and end it on time. When not involved in the above, Larry is writing articles for publication or cruising the world with his wonderful wife.
- M.Ed., Higher Education Administration, University of British Columbia, 1985
- Ph.D., Hebrew, Aramaic/Syriac and Hellenistic Greek (Religious) Language and Literature, University of Toronto, 1980
- M.A., Oxford University, 1978
- M.A., Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto, 1974
- B.A., Theology, Oxford University, 1972
- B.A.(Hon.), Classical Studies, University of British Columbia, 1970
- Perkins, Larry J. “VIII. People and Covenant.” Handbuch zur Septuaginta LXX.H Band 5. Die.
- Theologie der Septuaginta. Hans Ausloos and Bénédicte Lemmelijn, eds. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2020, pages 399-502.
- Perkins, Larry J. The Art of Kubernēsis. Leading as the Church Board Chairperson. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2019.
- Perkins, Larry J. The Pastoral Letters. A Handbook on the Greek Text. Waco, TX.: Baylor University Press. 2017.
- Exodus, in A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included under that Title, ed. Albert Pietersma and Benjamin Wright (New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
- Being Church: Explorations in Christian Community, ed. by Larry Perkins, Ph.D. (Langley, BC: Northwest Baptist Seminary, 2007).
Courses Taught
- BIL 502 Greek Exegesis I
- BIE 549 Parables of Jesus
- BIE 600 Greek Exegesis II
- BIE 640 Septuagint Studies
- BIB 651 Septuagint and New Testament
- BNT 670 Exposition of Hebrews
- BIE 706 Exposition of Romans
- BIE 712 Exposition of Matthew’s Gospel
- BIE 714 Exposition of Mark’s Gospel
- BNT 640 NT Theology
- BOT 622 Exposition of Exodus
- DMN 914 Spiritual Leadership in the New Testament
- DMN 915 Spiritual Leadership in the New Testament
- PTH 606 Doing God’s Business, Theology of Work
- Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies. Northwest Baptist Seminary/ACTS Seminaries, 2015 – present
- President Emeritus, Northwest Baptist Seminary, 2011 – present
- Professor of Biblical Studies – New Testament, Northwest Baptist Seminary, ACTS Seminaries, 1987-2015
- President, Northwest Baptist Seminary, 2000-2011
- Academic Dean, ACTS Seminaries, 1996-2004
- Academic Dean, Northwest Baptist Theological College (Northwest Baptist Seminary), 1980-1999
- Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Northwest Baptist Theological College, 1985-1987
- Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Northwest Baptist Theological College, 1978-1985
- Markan, Petrine, and Septuagint Studies
- Leadership
- Reading, family activities, gardening, hiking