Cornerstone 2024 in Photos

Cornerstone is our annual kick-off retreat - a joint effort of Fellowship Pacific (who started the retreat a number of years ago) and Northwest Seminary. Students enrolled through Fellowship Pacific, as well as Northwest Seminary Network students, came together at Camp Charis in Chilliwack, BC, for seminars and discussions, worship and prayer, and relationship building and fun!


Group shot! Fellowship Pacific staff and Northwest staff and faculty pose with the grad and undergrad students attending the retreat. Many of these students are training for pastoral leadership in Fellowship Pacific churches.

This is what happens when you arrive late for the photo. But really, for most of his time at the Cornerstone Retreat, Assistant Professor Joel Korytko, was teaching our undergrad students.

Vienna and Kenzie

Seminars for students started Tuesday evening and went till Friday afternoon. We made sure to take a break on Thursday afternoon for some fun. Here are BACL student, Vienna, (on the left) and CCF student, Kenzie, playing foosball.

We weren't limited to just foosball and classic arcade games for our Thursday afternoon fun. There was also corn hole, darts, pool, and the highlight - as shown here by CCF student, Sayla - axe throwing!

Kajle Radbourne, Undergrad Program Lead, and Michael Morelli, Assistant Professor, take a few minutes to chat. Michael taught a number of undergrad seminars and Kajle led CBTE program orientation and supported our undergrad students.


Waiting for breakfast to be served in the dining hall of Camp Charis. Waffles with homemade whipping cream and homemade berry compote. So good!

Northwest is excited to be building its undergrad programs with these stellar first and second year students.

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