Andy Watkins
Media Specialist
Andy is our in-house creative with a passion for storytelling. He can operate everything from a pencil to a broadcast television studio with skill and expertise. Design and illustration, camera operation and program production, are all in his wheelhouse. His 35 years of running his own company in the UK, along with working for blue chip companies and terrestrial independent TV stations, give him great experience in the field. Andy came to Canada in 2012 following a call to serve God in a new church plant. If you add the trumpet he enjoys playing, the new foods he enjoys eating, and his lovely British accent, you have one wonderful chap. His wife, kids, and grandkids would agree.
- Owner and operator of multiple film and recording businesses that served commercial, corporate, and blue chip companies as well as faith-based organizations, 1985-2012
- Graphic Designer and Technical Illustrator, UK, 1975-1985
- Missions work
- Worship teams
- Film, trumpet, and food.