Archie Spencer, Th.D.
Professor in the John H. Pickford Chair in Theology
Archie is passionate about theology and ensuring his students understand an array of theological thinkers and their perspectives. He is an avid participant in the fine sport of fishing, whether from a shore, in waders, or in a boat. His wife, kids, and grandkids are avid consumers of anything from the smoker - fish included.
- Th.D., The University of Toronto School of Theology, Specializing in the Theology of Karl Barth, 1999
- M.Th, Regent College, Vancouver, Specializing in the Theological Anthropology of Origen of Alexandria (J. I. Packer, Supervisor), 1994
- M.Div., Regent College, Vancouver, 1987
- B.Th., Central Pentecostal College, Saskatoon, 1983
- The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God’s Speakability, IVP Academic, 2015.
- Clearing a Space for Human Action: Ethical Ontology in the Theology of Karl Barth, Peter Lang Press, 2003.
- Multiple articles, reviews, and popular articles, essays, and presentations in the fields of systematic and historical theology.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Theology
- Systematic Theology I, II and III
- Patristics
- Theology and Religious Pluralism
- History of Doctrine
- Theology of Karl Barth
- Christianity and Culture
- Contemporary Theology
- History of Evangelical Theology
- Theological Ethics
- Various topical courses in theology
- Multiple DMin courses
- Professor in the John H. Pickford Chair in Theology, 2002 – present
- Associate faculty at TWU Religious studies department, present
- Senior Pastor, Port Colborne Baptist Church, 1999-2001
- Credentialed as an Ordained Minister with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec.1995-2001
- Credentialed and Ordained into Pastoral Ministry with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, serving in various capacities and churches, 1983-1994
- The theologies of Karl Barth, Eberhard Jungel,  and Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Continental theology in general; Alexandrian theology of the 2-4th centuries
- Hunting, fishing, walking/hiking, judo, and more fishing