Joel Korytko, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies/Program Manager, CBTE
Joel's great passions in life include studying and researching biblical texts within their ancient contexts, spending time with his family, growing vegetables in his backyard/greenhouse, and playing tabletop board games with his wife. You will often find him pondering the functions of levitical sacrifices or out in the wilderness trying to catch a moose (and sometimes both at the same time!) His goal is always to be as precise as possible when engaging scripture, and you will frequently hear him ask, "But how do you know that?" when discussing anything to do with a biblical text.
- Ph.D. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Septuagint), The University of Oxford, 2022
- M.T.S., ACTS Theological Seminaries, 2018
- B.A. Biblical Studies, Columbia Bible College, 2014
- “Slaves to the Septuagint: Applying Greek Legal Terminology for Slaves to Ex. 21.7.” Exodus: Themes and Texts. Bloomsbury: T&T Clark, 2023.
- “The Death Penalty in OG Exodus in Light of Graeco-Egyptian Legal Formulations.” JSCS 54 (2021): 75–92.
- Death of the Covenant Code: Evaluating the Translation of Laws with Capital Punishment in Old Greek Exodus 21:1–23:19 in Light of Graeco-Egyptian Law. JSJSupp. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
- Larry Perkins and Joel Korytko. The Society of Biblical Literature Commentary on the Septuagint: Exodus. Atlanta: SBL Press, TBA.
Courses Taught
- RELS 111 Introduction to the Old Testament
- BIB 691 Septuagint and the New Testament
- Academic Mentor for multiple students in the CBTE program
- Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies/Program Manager, CBTE. Northwest Seminary & College, 2023-present
- Adjunct Instructor of Old Testament, Trinity Western University, 2023-present
- Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Studies, ACTS Seminaries, 2022
- Assistant to the Dean, Northwest Seminary and College, 2022-2023
- Septuagint Studies, Old Testament (Pentatuech), New Testament use of the Old Testament, Pauline Studies
- Reading, weightlifting, vegetable gardening, hunting, tabletop games