Mark Naylor, D.Th.
Coordinator for Intercultural Leadership Development
Mark is our master in cultural interpretation. He can help you understand why people think, respond, act, and talk 'differently' depending on their cultural background, and why each culture is equally valid. Mark enjoys teaching, deep conversations, Pakistani chia, and Bible translation. He also enjoys being husband, dad, and grandpa.
D.Th., Missiology, UNISA (University of South Africa), 2014
- M.Th., Missiology (cum laude), UNISA (University of South Africa), 2005
- M.Div. Pastoral Studies, Northwest Baptist Theological Seminary, 1984
- B.Sc., Chemistry (honors), University of British Columbia, 1982
- Bible Translation Projects (Primary exegete and supervisor)
- New Testament in Sindhi (Hindu audience). Pakistan Bible Society, 2021.
- New Testament in Sindhi - Revised (Muslim audience). Pakistan Bible Society, 2021
- Pending 2022 Study New Testament in Sindhi – Extended notes (Muslim audience). Pakistan Bible Society.
- Old Testament in Sindhi (Muslim audience). Pakistan Bible Society, 2007.
- Editor and/or co-author of curriculum workbooks with the Disciple Making through the Discovery Method (DM2) Workbook series, and the LeadersFormation series.
- Mission and Global Crises. Co-editor with Narry Santos for Evangelical Missiological Society. Tyndale Academic Press, 2020.
- Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World: Academy, Agency and Assembly Perspectives from Canada. Co-editor with Narry Santos for Evangelical Missiological Society Monograph Series 2 (Canadian edition). Wipf & Stock publishers, 2019.
- Tati Thadhia Kah (Pressing On). Hyderabad: Adabi Anjaman, 1993. English and Sindhi.
Courses Taught
- Dynamics of Cross-cultural Ministry
- World Faiths and Ways of Religion
- Global And Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Christian Leadership
- Intercultural Theology
- Contextualizing Church
- Contextualized communication of the Cross
- Cross-cultural Conflict
- Interpersonal Relationships (Cross-cultural focus)
- Cross-cultural Leadership
- Fruitful Practices (Islam and Missions)
- Worldview Exegesis
Seminars and Workshops
- Pioneering Church Planting (Perspectives)
- Cross-cultural Ethics
- Islam (series)
- Sufism
- Bible Translation
- Skills in Cultural Adaptation
- Missions Committee workshop
- Significant Conversations workshop (evangelism)
- Managing Power Distance
- Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Qualified Administrator, 2015 – present
- Coordinator of International Leadership Development, 2003 - present
- Part Time Bible Translation, 2003 to present
- Evangelical Missiological Society Vice President for the Canada Region, 2011 – 2017
- Full Time Bible Translation, 1999-2002
- Missionary to Pakistan with Fellowship International, 1985-1999
- How the Gospel is shaped by cultural contexts
- How people communicate across cultural boundaries
- Bible Translation and the way this aids in understanding God’s word
- The limitations and strengths of language (especially Sindhi)
- How cultural perspectives shape theologies
- Hiking and grandchildren