Michael Morelli, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture & Ethics
Manager, Life-Long Learning
Michael is our in-house philosopher and theologian, ready for any conversation that involves serious, and sometimes not so serious, thought. When not cooking up thoughts, he'll happily cook you a meal or brew you a coffee. His wife and sons keep him hopping, and his guitar keeps them rocking.
- Ph.D. in Theological Ethics, University of Aberdeen, School of Divinity, 2019
- M.Th in Theological Ethics, University of Aberdeen, School of Divinity, 2017
- M.A. in Christian Studies, ACTS Seminaries, 2014
- B.A. in English and Communications, Simon Fraser University, 2009
- Desert, Wilderness, Wasteland, and Word: A New Essay by Jacques Ellul and Five Critical Reflections (editor, forthcoming volume).
- “Michael Morelli.” Générations Ellul. Soixante héritiers de la pensée de Jacques Ellul: Tome Deux (forthcoming book chapter).
- Theology, Ethics, and Technology in the Work of Jacques Ellul and Paul Virilio. Lanham, ML: Lexington Books, 2021.
- “What’s in a Name? Jacques Ellul’s Reading of Naming in Genesis 1–3.” Jacques Ellul and The Bible: Towards a Hermeneutic of Freedom. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2020.
- “The Athenian Altar and The Amazonian Chatbot: A Pauline Reading of Artificial Intelligence and Apocalyptic Ends.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 53, March 2019.
- “Charlottesville vs. The Real Revolution.” Political Illusion and Reality: Engaging The Prophetic Insights of Jacques Ellul. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2018.
- “Aura 2.0: The Technoscientific Return of Art’s Religious Value.” Implicit Religion 20.3, 2017, 245-257.
- “The Judgments We Make: Justice in a Digitised World.” Granite Interdisciplinary Journal 1.1, 2017, 7-10.
- "We're All Living in the Upside Down: Stranger Things is About the Internet's Dark Sides." Salon.com, 2016.
Courses Taught
- THS 602 - Christian Ethics (lecturer)
- CBE 105 - Be in Community (lecturer)
- CBE 106 - Be a Disciple (lecturer)
- Assistant Professor, Theology, Culture & Ethics, Northwest College and Seminary, 2019 – Present
- Assistant Dean, Northwest College and Seminary, 2019 – Fall 2022
- Administrative Coordinator, Religion and Surveillance Network, 2017-2018
- Communications Coordinator and Managing Editor, Village Church, 2013-2015
- Worship Arts Pastor, The Port Church, 2011-2013
- Theological ethics, or the ways God confronts and changes the realities that make up our existence
- Theology, morality, culture, politics, and technology