Master of Divinity (Mandarin) - 道学硕士
Northwest 神学院中文神学部的使命是为中国和海外华人教会培养新一代的牧者、学者和宣教士。中文道学硕士课程的目标是通过提供神学上扎实、学术上严谨、以灵命更新为导向的处境化神学课程来完成使命的第一部分——装备新一代的华人牧者。
The mission of the Mandarin Theology Program, offered in partnership with ACTS Seminaries, is to raise and equip a new generation of pastors, scholars and missionaries for the Chinese churches in China and around the world. The aim of Mandarin-language MDiv is to fulfill the first part of the mission – equipping Chinese pastors – by providing a theologically solid, academically rigorous, spiritually invigorating and contextually-oriented curriculum.
随着中国和海外华人教会的迅速发展,我们需要越来越多的牧者来带领、教导和培养日益增长的信徒群体。为了回应这一需求,Northwest 中文道学硕士将用中文为华人教会培养一大批灵命成熟、学术严谨、视野宽广的牧者和教会领袖。作为西方神学院中的中文部,我们相信我们的毕业生可以在全球化时代成为东西方基督教之间的桥梁。
With the rapid grow of churches in China and around the world, more pastors are needed to lead, teach and nurture these new believers. The Mandarin-language MDiv will support the growth of the church in China by training pastors in their native language, with the knowledge, formation and skills they need to succeed in their specific context. As a Chinese program within a Western seminary, we believe our graduates will be well equipped to serve as a bridge between Chinese and Western Christianity in a globalized world.
Program Type
30 Courses
89 Credit Hours
3-Year Completion Date
> Conventional program allowing for onsite, online, live-stream and other learning options
> Degree can be done in three years of full-time study, or over several years of part-time study
> This degree is granted conjointly by Trinity Western University
Raising and equipping a new generation of pastors, scholars and missionaries for the Chinese churches in China and around the world.