February 2023
Alumni Greetings
Greetings, I trust the new year has started well for you.
Among the many activities and plans for the members of the Alumni for 2023, are two graduation ceremonies: the ACTS graduation on April 22, and the Northwest graduation on October 14. This is a time to recognize current graduates of Northwest and welcome them to the Alumni Association. I hope you will be able to attend and represent the alumni at these events.
We plan to increase the size of Alumni News in 2023. We'll include interviews with alumni members, stories shared by the alumni, and information updates on alumni. Articles by alumni, as the one in this Alumni Connect by MK Kim, will remain part of Alumni News, as we have had in the past editions of Northwest News.
The May 6th event will be rescheduled to 2024.
It has been good to hear from many of you. If you have not completed the alumni questionnaire please do so, as we'd love to hear from you.
Gwen Reese, Alumni Director
Speak Out Jesus
Article written by MK Kim, DMIN, 2022
What I must do is for me absolutely clear. Canada is a big mosaic society. It gives a Christian wonderful opportunities to tell many different people about Jesus. Since January 9, 2017, for 7 years, I have spoken out Jesus to people in person. I have met people from different religions and cultures. When I preach the gospel to people, some reject it or ignore it. But some believe in Jesus as their Saviour. Like the joy of the shepherd who found the lost sheep, I am so happy when people start to believe in Jesus. My mission is called ‘One Person A Day 365’.
While doing ‘One Person A Day 365’, I took a trip across Canada. It was to extend ‘One Person A Day 365’ boundaries like many mission trips in Acts. I named it ‘Acts Canada’ and began a missionary journey of 35 days starting July 1, 2022. Driving from Vancouver to Halifax, I visited 43 cities to meet people and preach the gospel. I met 163 people in person and 27 of them accepted the gospel of Jesus. I also went to the churches in the cities to share this ministry. (See Facebook and Instagram links at the bottom). After this trip, I am grateful to God for giving me a new vision that ‘Acts Canada’ must go beyond Canada to the world.
I have a vision of planting 10 churches each in Africa and East Asia. The first church was Hope Church in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, established in 2019. God gathered people and led them to become the church. As I met people every day, befriended them, and shared the gospel, I asked them to become the church. Although there was no church building and no money, they decided to become a church. Through them, God showed that a church is not a building, but believers.
Through the ministry of preaching the gospel in many ways, I have come to understand a few things more clearly. First of all, there are too many people who need to hear the gospel around us, including immigrants and international students. I am grateful that they are around us. Second, we are here to tell them about Jesus. It thrills me to imagine Christians speaking out the gospel to them.
I am truly grateful to God that many Christians are able to share the gospel in a variety of ways in a variety of fields of their life. So why don’t you speak out Jesus?
I am MK KIM. I am from South Korea and a pastor and a missionary. I graduated from Northwest in 2022 with Doctor in Ministry. My mission is ‘One Person A Day 365’, ‘Acts the World’, and planting churches.