March 2024
Alumni Greetings
Greetings Alumni,
It is hard to believe that another year has passed, and we are already well into 2024. As we look ahead, the Northwest Alumni Connect Team of our Alumni Association have several events and activities to inform you of.
On April 20, 2024, we will be hosting the Northwest grads of ACTS Seminaries at a breakfast. We invite you to attend graduation as we welcome new graduates to the Northwest Alumni. The ACTS Graduation ceremony is at Christian Life Assembly at 1:30 pm. If you are also interested in volunteering to help with the breakfast, please let me know.
The Northwest Seminary & College Graduation is scheduled for October 19th, 2024, at South Delta Baptist Church. The day will commence with a Brunch, and there will be opportunities for you to help with this larger event, as well as attend the graduation ceremony and reception and welcome new graduates to the Northwest Alumni Association.
We are pleased to announce that in August 2025, we will be hosting an Alumni Reunion for alumni who attended Northwest during the decades of the 1980’s and 90’s. Details and dates will be available soon, but we hope you will make a note of this event and plan to join us to share great memories and celebrate the past and future of our great school. If you would like to volunteer to help organize this event, please contact me at [email protected].
If you have interest in working with the Northwest Alumni Connect Team, please contact me. There is an Alumni questionnaire on the Northwest Website to complete and there are several opportunities in which to be involved. I look forward to hearing from you in the coming year.
May God Bless you and your family in 2024.
Gwen Reese, Alumni Director
Overcoming an Orphan Spirit
Alumni Connect
Dr. Jack Taylor received the Bachelor of Theology in 1975, and the Master of Theology in 1982 from Northwest. He also has a master's degree and PhD in Counseling. Jack is the founder and coach at He is the former senior pastor at Faith Baptist in Vancouver (23 years) and a former missionary in Kenya (18 years).
When my mother passed away a short time ago, I realized that I was now an orphan. My father had passed in the week before Covid shut everything down and at that time there were 62 of us in the clan who gathered for a celebration. It would have been easy to be numb.
Much in our day has been made of an orphan spirit where individuals feel a sense of abandonment, loneliness, alienation and isolation. Some felt this during Covid as they dropped out of their faith community and faced forcible confinement away from family and friends. By God’s grace, I haven’t felt this. Yet.
With both parents gone, I am now the oldest of five siblings with the benefit of four children and eleven grandchildren of my own. The latest grandchild being heart-chosen from Rwanda by my son and his wife. With this deliberate choice, where my granddaughter was embraced as a precious dream come true, I realize that, like her, I have been chosen into a family where I won’t ever be abandoned or left alone.
Adoption has become a process where the label gets lost. We absorb our new member into the family and we open doors and hearts and resources without second thoughts. She is us. She carries our name, our dreams, our joys. She has access to our hearts, our arms and our laps without restraint. When she wants to talk, we listen and when she presses against the boundaries, she understands how we act to keep her safe and secure.
While my son and his wife have taken on the primary care of education, clothing, medical care, nutrition and faith training, we grandparents are invited into the joy of watching her grow in each area of her life. We commit ourselves to her well-being as long as we live. We enter full-heartedly into her celebrations and accomplishments.
One of my joys as a grandparent, much to the chagrin of my kids, is to pull caramel apple suckers from the ears of my grandchildren. Even the sixteen-year-olds bend to allow the magic to happen. It didn’t take a moment for our new family member to catch on. She knew that she belonged and that if everyone else got a sucker then so did she. She continues to be my most persistent admirer in this regard, eyes lighting up, and head tilting to the side as she awaits her sweet.
Gaining an identity from a family or community where esteemed figures display faithfulness, security, love, acceptance, provision, discipline, faith, generosity and hope lays a great foundation for a clear perspective on who our Father in Heaven is. Secure attachments can be established that will affect generations to come.
In my work as a counselor and coach I see that much is made of our attachment style. The idea is that how we connect with our parents impacts how we later connect with our friends, spouses or other significant relationships. The ideal is that we were raised with parents who are engaging, validating, warm and compassionate as they created a home with emotional security for us.
If we were raised by family members who believed that coddling created clingy and over-dependent youngers who then became incompetent adults and if our parents thought that keeping an authoritarian and rational distance was the appropriate way to treat children it may have felt like we were orphaned. If parents were dismissive, cold, uninvolved, strictly punitive and distancing it isn’t surprising that some of these traits might show up in our own relationships.
All of us have a wide diversity of human need calling for attention. When these needs are consistently unmet as we mature they form raw spots which may show up in reactions which are disproportionate to what has just happened to us. We get thrown off balance as even small things threaten our sense of safety and well-being.
Seasoned leaders can find themselves in predictable patterns and communication habits which leave them feeling less connected, less understood and less hopeful. They may be caught in familiar cycles which seem to have no exit. Underlying poisons may surface as old stories are resurrected.
One way to resolve things is to sign up for a coach. Even though I’ve now retired from pastoring, I’ve repositioned as a marriage coach for seasoned leaders and I have signed up to be coached by Steve Sundby. Taking advantage of the resources within the body of Christ is one great way to defeat the sense of an orphaned spirit.
Alumna Interview with Jinung Son
Rev. Dr. Jinung Son graduated from Chongshin University with an M.Div and Th.M degree. In 2015, he immigrated to Canada. In 2017, he graduated from Northwest Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry degree. He is married to Hyesun Yoo and is the father of his two daughters, Haram (age 15) and Yerang (age 12). He currently serves as the senior pastor at Vancouver Manna Church.
1. What did you appreciate about your studies at Northwest?
Prior to starting my studies in Canada, I had begun to feel like a ministry machine. I had lost the sense of mission and joy that I initially experienced in ministry. Realizing that this could not continue, I sought a change and chose Canada for spiritual and physical rest.
I'm grateful to have learned about Northwest, which provided me with the opportunity to study. Northwest became a place of rest and a turning point in my life and ministry.
In particular, the lectures delivered by professors who had honed their skills through years of experience and academic passion were both practically helpful, and challenging, bringing me joy each time I attended. Furthermore, I consistently found comfort and joy through the colleagues I worked with. Looking back, everything seems like a miracle of God's grace. It was a time filled with gratitude.
한국에서 오랜 기간 사역을 하면서 처음 가졌던 사명감이나 기쁨 보다는 사역하는 기계가 된 듯한 느낌을 받았습니다. 이대로는 더 이상 안되겠다는 생각이 들어 영적, 육체적 쉼을 위해 택한 곳이 캐나다였습니다. 감사하게도 Northwest 를 알게 되었고 공부 할 수 있었습니다. Northwest는 제 삶과 사역의 쉼과 터닝포인트를 가져다 준 곳입니다.
특별히 오랜 경험과 학문적 열정을 통해 실력을 쌓아온 교수님들의 강의는 실제적인 도움과 도전이 되었고 힘이 되어 강의를 들을 때 마다 행복했습니다. 뿐만 아니라 함께했던 동료들을 통해 늘 위로와 기쁨을 얻을 수 있었습니다. 이제 와 생각해 보면 모든 일이 기적과도 같았고 하나님 은혜이며 감사로 가득한 시간이었습니다.
2. How did your time studying at Northwest prepare you for the work and ministries you are involved in?
Studying at Northwest brought about a huge change in my perspective. I was planning to return to Korea after completing my studies at Northwest. However, the more I learned, the more I thought about multiculturalism and next-generation ministry, which I had always been interested in. In particular, I asked the question, “How can the next generation grow up with a biblical identity even in a multicultural environment?” And I started looking for answers.
As I continued my studies, I received answers to these questions through professors' lectures, and I ended up writing my graduation thesis based on the answers. After my thesis was accepted, I thought that Canada was the best environment for me to minister according to the content of the thesis. So, I canceled my plans to return to Korea, stayed in Canada, a multicultural society, and began ministry for the next generation.
처음에는 한국으로 다시 돌아갈 마음으로 배운 것을 한국에서 어떻게 적용해야 할까? 에 대한 고민을 했습니다. 그러나 학업이 계속 될 수록 글로벌 리더로서 세워지려면 기존에 생각을 깨고 좀 더 실제적이며 선교적 적용이 필요한 환경에서 사역하는 것이 좋겠다는 생각이 들었습니다.
특별히 다문화와 다음 세대에 대한 관심이 많았던 나는 어떻게 하면 이들에게 성경적인 정체성 교육을 시킬 수 있을까? 라는 고민이 항상 있었는데 공부하는 동안 이 부분에 대한 그림들이 보이기 시작했고 논문을 쓰면서 더 구체적인 준비를 할 수 있었습니다.


3. Describe your ministries since graduating from Northwest.
In 2019, I was called to serve as the Lead Pastor at Vancouver Manna Church (VMC), a Korean-community church located in Port Coquitlam. The majority of our church members are Korean immigrants who have been in Canada for over a decade. Their primary concern is the spiritual education of their children. These children are mostly 1.5 generation students, characterized by their bilingual and bicultural upbringing. While they may appear to communicate verbally with their parents, they often struggle to bridge the cultural gap.
Therefore, at VMC we are seeking solutions to this issue through the teachings of the Bible. For instance, figures like Joseph and Daniel exemplify bilingualism and cultural adaptation. They played pivotal roles during difficult times in their respective nations because their unwavering identity as God's people formed the foundation for their actions.
Our church has two core visions: first, the restoration of identity through the "restoration of the image of God," and second, a diaspora ministry characterized by a "flowing church." Our weekly worship experiences are filled with grace, and we focus on character development through various small group meetings and educational initiatives. Our aim is to transform and equip disciples of Christ who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be agents of change in their homes, workplaces, and the world, ultimately bringing glory to God.
Particularly, we recognize that the future of the church hinges on the next generation. In an era where absolute values are eroding, we are committed to arming our children, teenagers, and young adults with the Word of God so that they can be confident individuals at home, successful professionals at work, devoted believers in the church, and humble servants of God in the world. We are dedicated to nurturing disciples who can impact the world positively.
2019년 밴쿠버 만나 교회에 담임목사로 청빙되어 사역을 하고 있습니다. 우리 교회는 Port Coquitlam에 위치한 한인 커뮤니티 교회입니다. 성도들 대부분은 이민 온 지 10 년 이상 된 정착한 한인들로 이들의 가장 큰 고민은 자녀들의 신앙 교육입니다. 이들은 대부분 1.5세 학생들로 이들의 특징은 이중언어와 이중문화입니다.
부모와 언어적 소통이 되는 것 같지만 문화적 차이를 극복하지 못해 어려움을 겪는 경우가 대부분입니다. 따라서 이런 문제를 해결할 방법을 성경을 통해 찾아가고 있습니다. 예를 들어 요셉, 다니엘과 같은 사람들은 이중언어와 문화를 가지고 있는 대표적인 인물들입니다. 이들은 나라가 어려운 상황속에 있을 때 쓰임 받은 대표적인 인물들로 이들이 역할을 할 수 있었던 것은 하나님의 나라 백성이라는 분명한 정체성이 기초가 되었기 때문입니다.
그래서 우리 교회는 “하나님의 형상회복” 을 통한 정체성의 회복과 “흘러가는 교회” 에 모습을 통한 디아스포라 사역에 두 가지 비전을 가지고 매주 은혜가 충만한 예배를 체험하고, 다양한 소그룹 모임과 교육을 통해 인격과 성품이 변화되고, 성령이 충만한 그리스도의 제자를 세워 가정과 직장, 세상에서 소금과 빛의 역할을 감당해 하나님께 영광을 돌리고 있습니다.
특별히 교회의 내일은 다음 세대에 달려 있습니다. 절대가치가 무너지는 시대 속에 우리 아이들과 청소년 그리고 청년들을 하나님의 말씀으로 무장시켜 가정에서는 자랑스러운 자녀로, 일터에서는 탁월한 일꾼으로, 교회에서는 신실한 성도로, 그리고 세상에서는 겸손한 하나님의 사람으로 하나님 앞에 영광을 돌리는 제자로 세우기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
4. What is a way you have seen God bring good to your life from a bad situation in your life?
Most people experience many hardships in their lives. I spent my childhood lacking everything, including health and money, beyond imagination. At that time, everything was painful and difficult, and I felt resentful. Now I am healthy and carrying out the ministry God has given me.
When I think about it, the greatest strength that helped me overcome bad situations was my conviction that I was a child of God. This confidence has always helped me realize who I am and has given me faith that the problems in front of me cannot break me. And this faith has always allowed me to experience overflowing grace and allowed me to share this grace with others, allowing me to experience greater gratitude.
대부분 살면서 많은 결핍을 경험하지만 전 건강, 돈을 포함해 모든 것이 상상 이상으로 결핍된 어린 시절을 보냈습니다. 그 때는 모든 것이 괴롭고 힘들고 원망스럽기도 했으나 지금 저는 건강히 하나님이 주신 사역을 잘 감당하고 있습니다. 돌아보면 기적과 같은 일들 뿐인데 생각해보면 그리스도인으로서 “하나님이 인도해 주셨다”는 “당연한” 답이 가장 먼저 나옵니다. 그런데 이 “당연함”은 시편의 무수한 고백들처럼 “당연함”이 믿음이 되고 삶이 되니 더 이상 두려움과 의심보다는 언제나 넘치도록 채우시는 하나님의 사랑에 감사하다는 고백 밖에 더 할 말이 없는 것 같습니다.
5. Any information on your family, work, and ministries that you would like to share.
Our church collaborates with RTM (Rise Together Mission) to aid children with disabilities in Rwanda, a country that endured a devastating civil war in 1994. During this conflict, approximately 1.2 million people were massacred, leading to prolonged periods of extreme poverty, lack of education, and technical training.
The conditions in Rwanda are such that disabled individuals are often marginalized, and parents struggle to care for their children. Recently, we encountered a case where a disabled child, despite suffering severe burns, was unable to seek treatment due to the associated costs.
RTM is a missionary organization dedicated to assisting these children and their families. In our support efforts, we provide nutritional supplements and develop educational programs aimed at benefiting both the children and their parents.
While we face challenges in sponsorship and support, RTM operates with a deep compassion for every individual, reflecting God's heart for each soul. Vancouver Manna Church has been sponsoring RTM since 2019 and plans to send young volunteers to provide assistance and support in 2024.
RTM is in the process of joining Fellowship International, and we ask for your prayers and support for disabled children and their parents in Rwanda. Our hope is that they may find strength, and above all, come to know themselves as God's children through the transformative power of the gospel. (
우리 교회에는 R.T.M(Rise Together Mission)과 협력해 르완다 땅에 장애 아동들을 돕고 있습니다. 르완다는 1994 년 내전을 겪었던 나라입니다. 이 때 약 120 만명이 학살 되었고 이로 인해 제대로 된 교육이나 기술 훈련을 받지 못한 채 오랜 기간 극심한 빈곤에 시달리고 있습니다.
나라의 사정이 이러다 보니 몸이 불편한 장애인들은 사람 취급 조차 받지 못하며 부모들도 아이들 키우기를 힘들어 하는 상황입니다. 최근에도 장애를 가진 한 아이가 큰 화상을 입었음에도 치료비 때문에 치료를 거부하는 일이 있어 도움을 주기도 했습니다.
RTM 은 바로 이런 아이들과 부모들을 돕고자 시작된 선교 단체입니다. 그래서 아이들을 지원하기 위해 영양제를 공급하고 교육 프로그램을 만들어 아이들 뿐 아니라 부모들을 교육하는 일을 감당하고 있습니다. 후원이나 지원 등에 어려움이 있지만 한 영혼을 향한 하나님의 마음을 가지고 사역하는 단체입니다. 밴쿠버 만나 교회는 2019 년부터 후원하고 있으며 2024 년에는 청년들을 보내 그들을 돕고 지원할 계획을 가지고 있습니다. R.T.M.은 Fellowship International 에 가입하기 위해 준비하고 있으며 이 팀을 통해 르완다 땅에 장애 아동들과 부모들이 힘을 얻고 무엇보다 복음의 능력으로 하나님의 자녀가 되는 일을 위해 기도해 주시고 후원해 주시기 바랍니다. (