President's Pen - Fall 2024
Aaron's Immerse Journey
The Immerse program is at the heart of what Northwest has done for the past decade. It provides a transformative journey that challenges students to grow not just academically, but spiritually and personally as they develop ministry skills within their context. As we begin another year of developing future ministry leaders, I am reminded of the profound impact this program has on our students. One of our students, Aaron Mones, is set to graduate this October. As part of a student’s final Capstone project, they need to share a ten-minute presentation that speaks to the significance of their journey through Immerse. His words were shared with me after the interview and I was deeply moved by all he communicated. His words offer a candid and inspiring look at the challenges, growth, and ultimate value found in our competency-based approach to theological education.
"Three years ago, I had no idea what I was in for when I signed up for Immerse and there were many moments along the way when I was tempted to throw in the towel. First, I am older than the average student and though I never felt out of place in and amongst my peers, I did lose a step or two in my ability to learn, study, and discipline myself regarding pursuit of knowledge in a school format, during the 20 plus years since high school. Secondly, I never went to college, so I had zero idea how higher learning works and the expectations of a student in a master’s level program. Third, I was in foreign territory with a self-directed curriculum and competency-based format, and at times I wistfully reminisced about the good old days when I would just memorize enough information to do well on prescribed assignments and exams, and follow a timetable dictated to me that took all the guesswork, and most of the effort out of education. I honestly thought about walking away multiple times, especially when I had assignments sent back to me with a request for more, rather than just receiving a low mark I could brush aside and move on from. There has been a realization that has been slowly dawning on me over the last year or so. I didn’t like that it was hard, I didn’t want to do the sometimes-ugly work of digging in and pushing myself beyond what was comfortable, and I resented not being able to outsmart the system. I see now that this is all part of the plan and that has taught me a lot about myself.
"I don’t know all the thinking and reasoning that went into formulating this kind of program, but it accomplished exactly what I believe it is intended to do. It reflects the reality of the actual world of ministry, that doesn’t come in a neat little prescribed package, with a fully explained set of expectations understood from the beginning, and goals that a cunning enough student can manipulate and find the easy road through. There is no easy road in Immerse. It will make you sweat, and make you cry, and make you crazy, and make you face who you really are, just like ministry. Now after three years of ups and downs, a few tears, and more than a little frustrated rage than I would like to admit, I get it. I would absolutely recommend this program. It took me a long time to see what it has done for me, but as I near the end of the road, I can look back and see growth, and value, and not just value to me, but to those I minister to as well. The greatest beneficiary of me being in this program is going to be the person that God puts in front of me, and I see now that that has been the intent all along. This is one of the most significant things I have learned regarding my relationship with God - he uses me - and will continue to reveal himself to me through his use of me. This is comforting. He is also incredibly patient with me as I fumble my way forward, still learning to recognize his voice and leading, and too often being a stubborn follower. His patience is also very comforting.
"I am not coming out of a classroom setting bearing any illusions of my own greatness, with zero experience, only to be humbled and beaten down by the real-world chaos of ministry. I am stepping into the chaos with my eyes at least partially open, having already been at least partially humbled, and bearing a much more significant understanding of how to respond to real people and real situations, and to depend on Jesus in the moment when I have no idea what to do. I have enough experience to know he will lead if I get over myself and Immerse helped me learn how to do that."
Aaron’s journey through Immerse exemplifies the programs core objectives: to prepare ministry leaders who know Christ, are resilient, self-aware, and deeply rooted in both scripture and practical experience. Aaron went on to share that, “I have come to love the scriptures with all of the depth and complexity I never even knew to look for, and how much I now appreciate and make a practice of reading and delving into the perspectives and insights of Christian authors and their works.”
To all our current and prospective students: the road may be challenging, but as Aaron’s experience shows, the journey is invaluable. It prepares you not just for a career in ministry, but for a lifetime of meaningful service and spiritual growth.

Barton Priebe, DMin, brings his love of leadership, team building, and vision-casting to the Northwest team. His years of church ministry have instilled in him a deep passion to see the people of God fully equipped for service. His vision for Northwest is based in Matthew 9:38, that the Lord of the Harvest will rise up labourers through Northwest. He is passionate about preaching, apologetics, adoption, and his four wonderful children.