Northwest Signs Articulation Agreement with PLBC
February 2, 2024

Pacific Life Bible College and Northwest Seminary & College are pleased to announce the signing of an articulation agreement. The articulation agreement allows students to take courses at one institution and apply them as credits earned in a program offered by the partner school.
“I’m excited about the opportunities this creates for Northwest students,” says Dr. Jonathan Numada, Academic Dean of Northwest Seminary & College. “Northwest specializes in competency-based theological education, which is primarily offered through distance learning. This articulation agreement creates more avenues for our respective schools to make the most of the strengths offered by the other while broadening student choice, such as changing majors or continuing their studies through another modality.”
“Collaborative partnership is a central value at Pacific Life Bible College. Today, we continue and extend our reach to train, equip and empower another generation of Christian leaders in following Jesus and fulfilling the Great Commission.” Dr. Kyung Baek, VP of Academic Affairs at Pacific Life Bible College.
Pacific Life Bible College is based in Surrey B.C. It is affiliated with the Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada and serves the church by equipping men and women for Spirit-empowered ministry. It offers programs in English Immersion and 10 undergraduate majors, including Biblical and Theological Studies, Intercultural Ministry, Christian Counselling, and Pastoral Ministry. PLBC is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
Northwest Seminary & College is based in Langley B.C. It exists to prepare effective pastoral and lay ministry leaders in context for services to churches and agencies in the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches and beyond. Northwest offers undergraduate and graduate-level ministry education programs through course-based and competency-based theological education (CBTE) in four different languages—English, French, Spanish, and Korean. Northwest is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and holds applicant status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education.