Orientation and Cornerstone
Fellowship Pacific Immerse students gathered at Stillwood Camp and Conference Center this past September. New students participated in Orientation and Cornerstone, then were joined by returning students for the Theology of Leadership seminar.

Immerse Mentors
Kajle Radbourne, Associate Director of Operations and Assistant Registrar at Northwest, and Mike Mawhorter, member of the Church Lifecycles team with Fellowship Pacific, chat after lunch before heading into the next session.

Immerse Students
Marcus Baskie (l) and Elijah Istchenko (r) spend a moment chatting before the afternoon seminar starts.

Immerse Students
New Master of Biblical Leadership students Kaitlyn Shipowich, Mary Grierson, and Jane Muema-Ngui.

Grad and Mentor Team
Immerse graduate and senior pastor of Dunbar Heights Baptist Church, Wes Parker (l), is joined by two members of his mentor team, Dr. Brian Rapske (m) and Dr. David Horita (r), as they answer questions on the mentoring relationship during a panel discussion.