
The Bullock Institute seeks to equip existing and future leaders with the knowledge, skills and experience to thrive in their ministry context.
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Bullock Institute


The Bullock Institute started with a passion and goal to equip existing and future leaders with the knowledge, skills, and experience to thrive in their ministry context. We do this through conducting research to provide practical insight to those serving in the mission field, producing resources relevant to personal and organizational growth, and providing training and experiences that will equip Christian leaders in knowledge, skill, and character for positive impact in their own lives, homes, marketplace engagements, and churches.

Programs Offered

Language and Region

This English-language program serves emerging leaders in the United States.

How To Apply


If you are connected with the Bullock Institute and are interested in the MABL program, please contact the Bullock Institute for more information and a pre-application interview.



If you are approved to continue, you will be invited into the assessment process that includes written submissions, interviews, and other activities. The goal of the process is to help discern whether the program is a good fit for you and your calling, as well as helping both you and your church leadership understand the program and what it requires for you.



If you successfully complete the assessment process, you will be invited to apply to the program and start orientation.


If you are interested in this program and are connected with the Bullock Institute, please contact [email protected].

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