Alumni Connect and Reconnect

Northwest Baptist Theological College and Seminary has been operating for 88 years and we have over 3100 alumni members. Our goal this year is to begin rebuilding our Alumni Association, and connect and reconnect with our alumni to keep them updated on their Alma Mater, develop a platform of prayer support for the ongoing mission of their school, and to foster lifetime involvement and connection to Northwest.


Members of the Alumni Association consist of Northwest alumni and anyone who successfully completed 15 credits of studies or more at Northwest regardless of whether or not they earned a credential. Our alumni also include former and current faculty and staff employed by Northwest for one year or more.


Our Alumni Association encompasses multiple chapters representing the many programs of Northwest Seminary and College. The first chapter to be activated is the Korean DMN program, which is led by some of our Northwest KDMN graduates. We hope to activate several more chapters in the coming 1-2 years, including our former early childhood educators, pastoral graduates, and more.


Direction will be given to the Alumni Association by the Alumni Connection Team, a committee of alumni representing all programs, who will help with planning and fulfilling the purposes of the Alumni Association. If you are interested in working on the Alumni Connect Team, please contact Gwen Reese at gwen @


We are planning that each column of Alumni News will include a section for “Alumni Reflections,” in which a Northwest alumnus will reflect on a biblical or theological insight, or concept of interest to them. It could be connected to their ministry, work, personal interest, lessons of life, or community involvements. We will be connecting with a variety of alumni to participate and if you would like to be one of them, please email gwen @


We have created an Alumni Connect page on our new Northwest website. It contains a form we would really like our Northwest alumni to complete so that we can have updated contact information. You will find it here.


We look forward to hearing from you!


Gwen Reese, Alumni Director



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