‘Just War’ or Just Another War?
A theology symposium presented on March 15, 2023 by Northwest, ACTS, and the J.H. Pickford Chair in Theology. Presenter: Dr. Archie Spencer Respondent: Dr. Grant Havers Moderator: Dr. Michael Morelli Please leave this field empty Northwest News Signup Sign up […]
Korean Pastor Ordination
Ordination Ceremony for Four Pastors On Saturday, February 11, 2023, a pastoral ordination ceremony was held at South Delta Baptist Church. The event, which was a collaboration between Fellowship Pacific, Alive Church, and the Global Korean Mission Centre, was attended […]
Speak out Jesus – Korean
예수님을 말하십시오! 내가 해야 할 일은 확실히 분명합니다. 바로 ‘하루 한 사람 365’입니다. 캐나다는 하나의 큰 모자이크 같은 사회입니다. 그래서 기독교인에게 많은 사람들에게 예수님에 대해 말할 수 있는 놀라운 기회를 제공합니다. 2017년 1월 9일부터 지금까지 7년째 다른 종교, 문화에서 […]
Speak Out Jesus
Speak out Jesus! What I must do is for me absolutely clear. Canada is a big mosaic society. It gives a Christian wonderful opportunities to tell many different people about Jesus. Since January 9, 2017, for 7 years, I have […]
Northwest Family Skating and Pizza!
We are full! We are grateful for all the interest in this event, and apologize if you were hoping to attend. We have reached capacity. We hope you can join us at our next event. Students, faculty and staff, and […]
Alumni Connect – In His Image
Here’s a story that always makes me smile. A little girl was intently drawing a picture. Her teacher came over and asked her what she was drawing, to which she replied, “I’m drawing a picture of God!” The teacher smiled […]
President’s Pen – December 2022
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. -Luke 19:10 British Columbia and Yukon are distinct from the rest of Canada in that more than half the population report that they have no religion. This […]
In the Chair: ‘Just War’ or Just Another War?
Join us for the next In the Chair seminar. On March 15, 2023 Dr. Archie Spencer will offer a biblical and theological analysis of the concept of ‘just war’, especially in the light of the growing threat of major world […]
In the Book of Jonah
Session One Session Two Session Three Session Four Session Five Session Six An In the Book workshop on Jonah led by Dr. Larry Perkins and Dr. Jeehoon Kim on September 9 and 10, 2022.
In the Book of Galatians
Session One Session Two An In the Book workshop on Galatians led by Dr. Jonathan Numada and Dr. Michael Morelli on May 13 and 14, 2022.